It seems like every time I'm sitting at my computer and I yawn, a stream of accidental saliva shoots out of my mouth. It happened again like two minutes ago. It hasn't been an issue so far, but I just know I'm going to yawn while talking to some boring person at some point and nail them right in the face with an arching ribbon of spit. I've decided it serves them right for boring me so I'm not going to feel bad about it when it happens.
A fellow "gleek" here. I've done it before. NEver seen a picture of it, never heard anyone talk about it.
What's next, farting in elevators?
Everything's better when it's wet no? Gleek away.
Thanks for this safety tip Chris, I won't go out in public again without wearing my portable salad bar sneeze guard.
It's happened before, but not often.
I thought you were going to say you acted like "Gleek" the space monky from "SuperFriends".
That's much more common around here.
Laughing at Scope!! Now I can't get Zan and Jayna out of my mind. I'll be running around saying stupid things like "Wonder Twin powers activate!" and "Form of an ice hammer" all day. Thanks a lot. ;-)
And I meant to also include a reference to "Archer Fish" as most recently demoed over at the Robot Nine.
Is there a spitting cobra in your family tree somewhere?
that is why you should have a gox of Gleenex near the computer
I haven't gleeked in ages...
Out here we called it "glicking." I could only do it accidentally, and I've never actually known anyone who could do it on purpose.
I do it sometimes, but mostly because I'm secretly a llama.
I feel inadequate. I've never really been able to gleek, although I have been in the presence of a master.
I find this more than vaguely disturbing.
..and if you fell asleep can you bubble snot with your nose?
Ummm I don't accidently gleek?? Or do I?
Nice Oakleys!
- Jennifer
My uncle can gleek on purpose. I'm not sure how one hones a skill like that. Lots of lonely Saturday nights in front of the bathroom mirror? Probably.
I learned a new word today!
It looked, for a second, like you were missing a tooth in that photo. HAH!
Gleeking takes me back to the days of kicking boys in their nards for fun.
Much like blowing a bubblegum bubble, this has always remained physically beyond my abilities.
For the record, the picture was borrowed off the intronets and is not me.
My biology teacher could do this at will and he'd spray in your direction if you didn't behave or were too talkative.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY_W1oToNJA cool video
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