I went back through all my posts (not in one sitting, mind you) through 2008 to find the first time each of you left a comment here. I'm not sure why. I've always thought the social component of blogging was really cool and the way I came to know most of you was through comments. Now you can go back and relive that blessed day you added your two cents to something I wrote (chances are it was about poop). I'm amazed by how long some of you have stuck with me! Those of you I have met in person are in orange.
- 6-9-2006 Grant Miller
- 6-13-2006 Frank Sirmarco
- 6-19-2006 Flannery Alden
- 6-22-2006 Anne Altman
- 6-30-2006 Cap'n Ergo Jinglebollocks (Big Orange)
- 7-3-2006 Winter
- 7-17-2006 Lulu
- 7-17-2006 Phil
- 7-17-2006 Laaw-yuhr
- 7-18-2006 Coaster Punchman
- 7-18-2006 Melinda June
- 7-31-2006 GETkristiLOVE
- 8-1-2006 Marni
- 8-1-2006 Tenacious S
- 8-9-2006 Beth
- 8-9-2006 Vikkitikkitavi
- 8-17-2006 Megan
- 8-22-2006 Wonderturtle
- 9-6-2006 Amy
- 9-11-2006 Jen @ Casual Slack
- 9-14-2006 Erik @ Nevada Thunder
- 9-20-2006 Johnny Yen
- 9-29-2006 Randyluvspaiste
- 10-5-2006 The Boob Lady
- 10-11-2006 Teri
- 10-11-2006 Mixed Nut
- 10-17-2006 Genn6
- 10-19-2006 Doc
- 10-22-2006 Geo
- 10-31-2006 Sans Pantaloons
- 12-8-2006 Gizmorox
- 12-8-2006 Dale
- 12-12-2006 Bubbles
- 12-19-2006 Dave @ Bad Art Global
- 1-12-2007 Dick Small
- 2-15-2007 Splotchy
- 2-16-2007 Bubs
- 3-2-2007 Hapabukbuk
- 3-5-2007 Skyler's Dad
- 3-14-2007 Cormac Brown
- 3-21-2007 Catherinette Singleton
- 4-16-2007 Spooney
- 5-8-2007 Cheer34
- 7-16-2007 Cooper Green
- 7-31-2007 Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein
- 8-2-2007 Evil Genius
- 8-3-2007 Micgar
- 8-13-2007 Kirby
- 9-7-2007 Special K
- 9-7-2007 Lady Who Doesn't Lunch
- 9-14-2007 Distributor Cap
- 9-24-2007 Samurai Frog
- 9-26-2007 Dr. Zaius
- 10-26-2007 Beckeye
- 11-1-2007 MNMom
- 11-6-2007 Dguzman
- 11-8-2007 Suzel's Sass
- 12-29-2007 The Bacon Lady
- 2-12-2008 Falwless
- 5-27-2008 Sista#1
- 6-20-2008 Bill Stankus
- 6-23-2008 Dr. Zibbs
- 7-19-2008 Pistols At Dawn
- 8-11-2008 Sista#2
- 8-14-2008 Leonesse
- 9-5-2008 Poobomber
- 9-5-2008 Son Of A Thomas (Anonymous)
- 9-8-2008 Gwen
- 9-17-2008 Kimmie DeC
- 10-2-2008 Miss Alex
- 10-7-2008 Katrocket
- 10-22-2008 Imaginary Reviewer
- 10-26-2008 ~E
- 10-27-2008 McGone
- 10-27-2008 Jon
- 10-31-2008 Jennifer (and Sandi)
- 11-4-2008 Cora
- 11-6-2008 Candy
- 11-6-2008 Dad E
- 11-7-2008 Raf
- 11-10-2008 Whiskeymarie
- 11-12-2008 MelO
- 11-14-2008 Red
- 11-18-2008 Morgan the (Almost) Muse
- 11-21-2008 The Indefatigable Mjenks
- 11-21-2008 Alice Average
- 11-21-2008 Greta
- 11-21-2008 Sass
- 12-31-2008 Scope
Zoiks, I communicated with you PRE-BLOG (my blog, rather).
I would have sworn that I commented here long before that.
BUT, suffice it to say, I was reading long before I was commenting.
That is really a whole lot of work Chris, and I don't really care for work, so I won't be doing this.
Someone had a little free time, huh? Hee hee. :-)
WOW!! That's an amazing list. I've been a better person since 11/07 and I have you and poop to thank.
Dude, that is fecking glorious.
So I assume you only did this for your readers/commentors that you actual give a shit about?
Jay- No, but I cut it off at Dec. 2008 (I got tired). That's why you didn't quite make it.
Wow, that is impressive and you have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands.
Nice work on the list!
- Jennifer
I look forward to being on the list next year.
How long did it take to do this list?? It would take me, like, half a year...
And you're not a nerd, Cbris. Not at all.
I mean "Chris", not "Cbris"...
Old last minute Charley sneaking in there, that's me!
I applaud you sir. Now give me your work phone number to call your boss because something tells me you have been calling in sick to do this!
I'm #23.
I'm the Michael Jordan of Some Guy's Blog!
"Nerdity" nuthin', that my friend, is dedication to your readers, and that's one of the reasons why we keep coming back.
Heyooo! 69 here!
Holy Wow!
Please redo this and put the names of bloggers that are "super duper special" like me in green.
Just so people know who are super duper.
And please email me when it's done so I don't have to check back.
And don't EEEEEven say you don't have time after looking at how long this probably took you.
My how time flies. We were so young back then and full of hope, and there was still so much we didn't know.
Ahhh yesterday...
Now we are just old and surly and mean, and we want to see our names up in big effing orange lights!
"All Hail The King!"
wow, I was only a week after Cora. Not bad.
It's been 9 month of pleasure reading your blog!An addiction to the blog world is born!
OK how in the hell do you get on the list?
I'm not sure if the list is a good thing or a bad thing but I'm all about getting it on!!!!!
Ahem....I mean getting on.
11-6-2007 was an extremely good day. Thanks!
We have never met in person, but I am in fact orange.
My advance apologies to Megan for what I'm about to say, but this makes me want to make out with you. Nerd.
Aw! I'm #3 and I have been lax in my comments recently. But I hope I made up for it by naming you a crazy eight!
You are awesome.
WOW! I've been reading you since 2006? Time flys when you're laughing and reading nerdish posts.
I am dubious that my sister commented before I did, but I guess the nerd lists don't lie.
Number 1!!!!!
I don't know you, but you're right-- it was quite nerdy of you.
Ah the summer of '06. I only had 2 kids and 1 crippling heroin addiction.
So much has changed. I now I have 3 kids.
Good nerd list.
so what is the prize for being #51
sniff...I will always...sniff... remember... 8-3-07,Chris. Thank you!
That was fun! Go Nerds!!!
Yay, orange is my favorite color.
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