This was my second weekend out this season as you probably guessed from the title of the post. It was mixed as far as weather. Saturday was cold as fuck (-5 F when I got there), but it was clear blue sky all day. I worked on my first accident of the year - a 12-year-old with what looked to be a broken wrist. Although we can sometimes guess what's wrong, we never give the victims a diagnosis. We always tell them to get an x-ray to be sure. A wrist injury is pretty straightforward. Splint, sling, and swath along with a bunch of questions for the accident report. She was a trooper and didn't cry until her dad showed up to drive her to the ER. There was also one accident that required an ambulance that I didn't work on
Today it snowed all day. Early in the morning there was some really nice, buttery powder, but the wind, snow, and cold increased in the afternoon, so I hunkered down by the fire in one of the warming huts and pulled out my crossword puzzle book. Luckily there were no injuries today.
Love that picture Chris!
You never said you ski jumped, nice form.
Our tourism industry smiles BIG when it snows like this.
Oh my God, SPECTACULAR picture! I'm still laughing!
Psssst. That man should put on some clothes. Next thing you'll be fix'n is frost bite on his butt!
Happy Snowy Monday
- Jennifer
With all that fat around, it's no wonder he doesn't need clothes..
his snow angel would look really weird.....a big fat body and teeny weeny wings...I wonder if his arms would even touch the ground if he was on his back....
hahahaha! That pic is priceless!
Dad? I thought you gave up skiing?
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