This is a film whose Netflix release I've been anxiously awaiting. It's about
Philippe Petit and his 1974 tightrope walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Petit had been consumed with the idea for this stunt when he saw renderings of the towers long before it was ever completed. Prior to this, he had tightrope-walked between the towers of Notre Dame cathedral and towers on the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Figuring out a way to span the tightrope without anyone noticing was extremely complicated and the movie reassembles the team that made it happen. I liked it a lot. Cinematically, I thought it was beautifully shot. I like it when people try things that seem utterly impossible, even if they serve no real practical purpose. I think doing things like this makes us all question perceived boundaries which often leads to innovation and discovery.
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you are the second person who said this is really worth seeing, some woman in my office - who i never would suspect would watch any of this, loved it
I got vertigo just looking at the DVD cover.
I want to see this.
We just watched it last week, it was pretty good!
I saw it in the artsy fartsy theater awhile back, and wasn't as amazed as everyone else seems to be. Still, to have all that footage from the era was pretty amazing.
I'd recommend another doc I saw at a festival instead: Stranded, which was the best documentary I saw last year, about that "Alive" plane crash.
It has been added to my queue.
That looks amazing! Thanks for the tip. I think I'll add this to my list too. (egads, my list is getting lonnngggg).
Subject change: so, Goofy, huh?! Hee hee hee. I had you pegged as more of a Pluto man. Shows what I know. :-) Thanks for the comment - that had me cracking up all day!
Yeah, what Dr. Monkey said. It looks worthwhile to watch but would I have my hands over my face the whole time?
I saw this in the city when it came out... great movie. Only the French accents were gettint to me after a while... that and I hated that he cheated on his girlfreind... lol
One of my top 2 movies of the year--hands down! Loved his perspective on life. Balls out!
K and/or K: Welcome! Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool.
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