Wink hosted the ever-popular "Tic-Tac-Dough".
Hard to believe there were TWO game shows based on tic-tac-toe.
Wink's was the one without Paul Lynde (or Jim J. Bullock, depending on your era).
Two interesting facts about Wink:
- He appeared in a Quiet Riot video for "The Wild And The Young".
- Fellow game show hosts Chuck Woolery (Love Connection) and Gene Rayburn (Match Game) referred to him as "Stink Fartindale". My respect for Woolery just shot up tenfold. (I already though Rayburn was a bad-ass with his bitchin' microphone.)
I'm 131 years old and I don't know who Wink Martindale is... and who's this Paul Lynde you mentioned?
"Tic Tac Dough"? Never watched it ... is it some sort of Wall St. game?
I loved Wink! I wonder how 74 is treating him?
They were all just an amalgam of each other, sent to torture my fevered mind when I was home sick from school. To this day, the sound of The Price is Right makes me feel like stomach flu.
Happy Birthday to Wink, with the best name and the best hair helmet in the business!
I love gameshows... and I'm wit cha on the love for Gene's microphone. It was bitchin'!!!
I guess anything, no matter how elementary, can be made into a television show, and people will watch.
I loved "tic tac dough".
I miss the old-school game show hosts. Yukky Howie Mandel is no Chuck Woolery, I tells ya.
Wink Whom??????
See ya later, alligator!!
- Jennifer
Stink Fartindale!! AHAHAHAHAHA! I love it ! Wink is ok in my book. Him being a fellow Sag and all!!
Damn, that reminds me. I wanted to name my child Wink when I was younger. Oh well, Buttcheeks will just have to live without.
Stink Fartindale. That's fucking hilarious. I'm officially a 13-year-old boy!!
I used to watch Tic-Tac-Dough religiously. I'm now officially a 60-year-old woman!
We should all be ashamed of the
He also voiced that "Deck Of Cards" crapper back when the earth's crust was still melty. What a tool.
I'm afraid to ask how you know this much about this guy lol
you better post when it is Pat Sajak's birthday
hrm. I thought he was dead.
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