
My Biggest Source Of New Visitors...

I am amazed how much of my traffic comes from Google searches for "Sandy Duncan Glass Eye". I did THIS POST a while back. I'd say about 75% percent of my visitors find me this way. I never knew there was so much interest in Ms. Duncan's glass eye (or lack thereof, as the case may be). Turns out I'm second only to her IMDb.com profile when you do THIS SEARCH.

On a semi-unrelated note, I still hold the #2 slot for "Cunt-Ass Peehole". The only one above me is Frank and his was a post that referenced mine. I take some pride in this.


SkylersDad said...

You should host a talk-show about Sandy Duncan's eye, that would get you up and over the top!

Falwless said...

Which is to say, I found you by way of Grant Miller's blog.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I always wanted to pop that bad eye out of her head and you know what her in that now empty eye socket. I know it's wrong of me but I just can't help myself.

Distributorcap said...

what about sammy davis' glass eye -- you dont appear on a list for that?

"that girl" said...

holy 1970's ... i feel old now