Thanks to all you out there, once again, for making this blogging stuff such a positive experience. In the immortal words of the lady in that one Seinfeld episode, you know, the one where they go to someone's apartment to watch the beginning of the New York Marathon and George wears a fake wedding ring to see if it'll help him meet women and Jerry is trying to avoid having Elaine move in to the empty apartment upstairs because he's afraid she'll cramp his style, "You're all winners!"
Very sporty looking fans you have there Chris! And, your backyard looks like it could use some leaf blowing...
Congratulations Chris! Wow I have while to go till then! I love coming to your site and look forward to the next 50k!
God bless!
Well, gosh, thanks so much!
Congrats Chris!!
I love your blog - I don't know how I started visiting, but it's one of the first ones I ever read. Cheers!
Congratulations, Chris. And congratulations to me, too. I'm responsible for at least a couple hundred of those hits. Fine work, the both of us.
Keep up the shoddy work Chris.
Well, congratulations and of course, people wouldn't come by unless you didn't have plenty of Cheney pics...and a great blog, too. Though mostly for the Cheney pics.
That much traffic and you still haven't sold out and started putting up adds. You are truly an honorable man.
and the prize was..............
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