Someone really needs to invent a device that measures succulency. Like, last week I had some lobster that was pretty succulent, but I have no way of knowing whether it was AS succulent as the crab legs I had had the week before. With some sort of succulency meter, I could be sure that when I made a declaration like, "This is the most succulent prime rib I've ever had", I was accurately describing just how succulent the prime rib was. Without a mechanical gauge such as this, I might accidentally overstate just how succulent something is. I would hate to do that.
Sorry Chris, it's just not possible. Kind of like measuring sex, it is either great or wonderful.
What a concept. Will you be selling it on eBay?
You eat very well.
I'm confused. Here on the desert we talk about succulents when we are talking gardening. Therefore, lobster, prime rib... not succulent.
I like how all your post titles are really content disclaimers.
I had some pizza tonight that was pretty succulent.
This is the most succulent post I've ever read.
I think there should be a gauge for suck-ulence.
I agree, it's much funner to say the word aloud than to read it. Nothing against your post, of course.
The American inventor, Harland Spunkmeijer, came up with a scale measured in U.o.S. (Units of Succul)and Spunkmeijer had rough sketches of a working model that could be used at the begining of a meal to rate the food. But alas, the complexities of the machine could never be worked out as Spunkmeijer's life was ended abruptly by his wife who wanted him to "get a real job!"
Chris, you rule. But some of your "commenters" are closing in on you. e.g. hot lemon and her "succulent succubi and, lmfao, "Suck-U-Lint." Coaster Punchman is not far behind, with "Suck-ulence."
Well, I would have to say that lobster picture is sure succulent. I agree that it is an important word and often under utilized.
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