What do you say?
Are you one of those fancy-pants "gesundheit" people?
Oh, still no sign of the poo smell source.
It seems to be gone.
It might have been a figment of my imagination.
Or it could be that I had inhaled some poo molecules
while walking Megan's parent's dogs and they lodged in my nostrils,
completely throwing off my sense of smell.
That would be a horrible disease, wouldn't it?
Smelling poo when there was none.
Unless, I guess, you're into that sort of thing.
Sick bastards...
Definitely a gesundheit person. Given my religious views (or lack thereof), I'm not too into blessing people...
I end up saying "bless you" for everything. Including if someone burps. Or, I say "excuse you" when someone sneezes. Like I'm their mother and need to remind them to be polite.
I'm a dumbass.
I took German in college, so I do the extra-Teutonic version: "gesund-HEIT!"
I say "Bless you." But when I say it I don't mean "God" bless you, I mean "Odds" (as in the odds of something good happening) bless you.
I'm pretty sure that "gesundheit" is just German for "Bleh-shoo."
I usually don't say anything, but when I do, I say bless you. It feels weird cause I am not a religious person though so...oh well.
I'm the former "bleh-shoo" person, and I try to make sure that it IS "bleh" and not "bless" and there is to be NO "God" before the "bleh" when I'm 'round, say thankee!!
As for the figment of your imagination, maybe it was really a fragment of poo and it dried up and blew away in defference to the upcoming holly-day??
why do we even have to say anything? do we have to acknowledge the fact that someone's body is discharging either germs or boogers?
inquiring minds want to know
In our house we say "baa-shoo". It's somewhere between bless you and ah-choo.
I don't say anything. I turn and give the sneezer a dirty look. Sometimes it gets a laugh. It usually gets an apology.
I'm with geo. I'd feel like a bit of a hypocrite if I went around blessing people.
People used to believe that when someone sneezed that the sneezer was about to die, hence the blessing. It is simply amazing what some people will belive.
I'm with Skylers Dad on this one. Blow your filth in some other direction bitch.
oops, I posted my poo smell comment in the wrong place!
I say bless-u... but I don't really think that evil spirits are coming out people's nose and that they need a blessing. I'm not sure I even get the whole "blessing" thing.
Uh, you didn't mean for me to think this hard, did you?
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