Usually I wait until after I see documentaries before I talk about them, but this looks too good to pass up. Gary Hustwit has made a
documentary about the Helvetica font (sorry,
GKL. I meant typeface), the most prevalent font (typeface) in use today. How the fuck do you make an entire movie about a font (typeface)!? I, for one, am intrigued.
I have high hopes for this one. I'll tell you more after I see it.
For God's sakes, man, call it a font family. I almost got a hockey stick in the ribs from GKL for using "font".
This film is on my Netflix list. It's not at the top, but it's on there.
tell us all about it. I'm renting that one about swingers.
Oh, so she got you on the whole font/typeface thing too, huh?
Christ, sis. Give it a rest.
I was going to do a post about this..
you beat me
I will not rest until MS Word has typeface on the pulldown!!!
Yeah, I might have to skip that one and catch the E! True Hollywood Stories version.
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