One of my biggest fears as a blogger is that some media smear-merchant will take something I've written here out of context in order to sully my pristine reputation as an arbiter of all things decent and pure. In order to preempt these vicious attacks, I went through some previous posts and identified a few potential problem areas. The following are inferences people might draw from my blog without the proper context:
- They may think, "I have exactly two hairs...on my dick." (12-20-06)
- Or that, "Dubya...is...a genius." (8-10-07)
- Or that I think, "North Carolina...smells like dog poo." (11-20-07)
- Or that, "I think...baby Jesus...should...start smoking crack." (11-14-08)
- Or that, "I encourage...goat...fucking." (8-28-09)
Let me assure you that none of these statements reflect my true feelings in any way.
Except the goat-fucking one. There can never be enough goat-fucking.
Seriously. Everyone. Find a goat and fuck it. You won't be sorry!
Goats are just natures little whores.
I would comment but I don't want to be taken out of context.
My kid has a hard time grasping the idea of "context." I think I'll make this post required reading.
I seem to remember this.
I believe the ewe was called context, and you were in and out of her all fucking night.
You mean Dubya's not a genius?
Until today I always said that the only good reason goats exist is to make delicious cheese but I had completely overlooked fucking them. Now there are two reasons. Thank you for broadening my horizons.
Um, you might want to get some help with that goat fetish you've going on there.... just sayin'...
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