One of the things I've loved about Netflix, besides introducing me to the world of documentary film, has been the chance to watch certain TV series I missed the first time around. Last night I completed the fifth and final season of
The Wire. I had heard a lot of great things about it and it pretty much exceeded my expectations. It could very well be the best episodic television I've seen. If you have Netflix and you haven't watched it yet, do yourself a favor and add it to your queue. It is some seriously good shit.
Awesome show. Completely changed the way I say "shiiiiiiiit."
We did The Sopranos and 6 Feet Under through netflix. LOVE netflix!!!
How'd I miss this one? I'll check it out.
The wife and I were seriously addicted to The Sopranos and went into withdrawal when it ended. The Wire was our methadone.
Okay. I've made dozens of excuses not to watch it, but in light of your post and the recent death of David Mills. I succumb. Queuing it right now..
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