While it may be true that some men are turned off by women with hairy armpits, I challenge you to find a heterosexual male who can resist a woman with hairy knee-pits. A thick tuft of hair behind a woman's knees is guaranteed to drive any man crazy.
Just so you know...
Sweet Jeebus that can't be real!
That's disgusting!
No that's no what we ladies do. Oh hell no.
I know I will certainly be in the minority on this one, but pit hair on a women doesn't bother me at all.
How about nose hairs?
Lion King was just saying he appreciates a fine fur tuft. Then he came over to see the picture.
That's nothing. I live in Italy.
I don't know whether to admire her, or be a little grossed out.
Get that girl some Barbasol! Stat!
I was drawn to this post because I am deserate to find a man to fix things around the house. I guess I'll keep looking for the answer.
*Yuck* I think I'm going to be sick!
- Jennifer
I'll stop shaving today!
does julia roberts have knee hair too? how about knuckle hair and hair in her ears?
that can't be real, can it?! I am with Zibbs on this one! Its gross!
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