- I love my Wang!
- Get your hands on a Wang today!
- My Wang is hard to beat!
- Feel the power of a Wang!
- See what your Wang can do for you!
- I'd be nothing without my Wang!
They also could've developed a line of ultra-durable laptop computers that were impact-resistent. I'd call them the "Rock Hard Wangs"... Okay, wait. Hold it. Stop. This is ridiculous. This kind of gratuitous humor is beneath me and is not what this blog is all about. I mean, shit. Lame, lazy double-entendres based on a defunct computer company with a silly-sounding name? Is this what I've resorted to? I mean, Christ, this sounds like a bit Shecky Greene might've done back in the seventies in his act in Tahoe (made even less funny by the fact that none of you probably know who the fuck Shecky Greene is). Next thing you know I'm gonna be doing fucking airplane jokes. Or worse, Lewinsky jokes. I'm ashamed. You deserve better.
Still. Wang. it's a funny name, right?
Shit I can't stop laughing from your Hot as balls video I just watched. Sorry...you were saying something about Wangs?
- Jennifer
WANG is one of my favourite words! It's hee-lar-ee-ous. Plus it would be secretly funny to hear some demure little soccer mom say "Oh I got little Petey an Elmo Wang for Christmas, he'll be ecstatic!"
Also imagine the fun when you outgrow your wang and have to put it on Ebay? "WHO'LL BUY MY WELL USED WANG?" you'll say.
Oh I'm enjoying the idea already.
A good Wang never quits!
How about a travel-size Wang?!
Cordless Wang, anyone?
I love my Wang in the laptop version!
Come on Some Guy, your Shecky Greene stuff is what we live for!
What's wrong with Shecky?
My favorite Wang joke is from the movie "Hollywood Knights" when the guys pee in the punch and the cop who drinks it says it has a little wang in it.
Classic bad movie.
If they had managed to hold out until PDA's became popular, they could have done a deal with Palm Pilot. "Palm and Wang: two great tools, one great experience".
Shecky's a pretty funny name too. That guy was a riot. He could have an entire room gasping for air.
Hang on, I missed the Business News story:
"Palm Launches Wang, Calling It 'The Coming Thing'"
Everybody Wang Chung tonight.
I'd walk a mile for a wang.
"Expand the RAM in your Wang".... That's Shecky calling you from the grave. His voice is hollow and scratchy as he calls out for you, too.
Don't apologize Some Guy! This is what we come here for, and if you don't have any idea who Shecky is, well I weep for our society.
It would be great when your computer broke down and you had to call the Wang doctor.
Wang was the first word processor I learned to use. I'm dating myself. But at least I buy myself dinner.
everyone wang chung tonite
we had wangs -- or should i still have
at least i think i do
How about: "It's not the size of your Wang that counts, it's how you use it".
Don't stop the WANG! We need it
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