Problem is, this particular winter activity has become mainstream. Any two-bit schmuck with a bladder full of Pabst can do it. Tell you what, Greggy, talk to me when you can crap your name in the snow. And I'm not talking about a bunch of individual, pieced-together logs. I'm talking in cursive, one continuous turd. You do that and you will have earned my respect.
This post goes out to my pal, Dr. Zibbs, who reminded me with this post that if you're struggling to come up with material, always return to the toilet.
I keep trying to do it with poo, but my arse always freezes shut (like when you try and lick a frozen flagpole).
Then I always have to beg some stranger to come and breathe on my buttocks to unstick me from the snow.
The hardest part is always trying to make a little happy face after your signature. Making the circle and the mouth is easy, but two little dots for eyes? They always come out looking walleyed.
Let me just say that the link you put in my comments section is so repulsive and disgusting but I was laughing my ass off. I won't dare view it again but it's memory will disgust and make me laugh for the next few days.
*shaking head*
Writing my name in the snow is the only reason I'd ever want a peezer. I like my junk on the inside.
Now if us women start to write our names in the snow you should be DAMN impressed.
Hey. I may not be able to write my name in the snow... but I think I did once, actually... not that it was legible, but still.... I can pee in a bucket when I go fishing and I don't care who hears it or sees the process. F-yall, that's what I say. That's something, and I'm damn proud.
I guess I should go to bed now - it must be time... too, much, information.?. (blush)
If he had done Gregory Ignastious Hoopensteiner I would have been impressed.
I know. I have a long name and drink a lot of Pabst.
Hell, I can PRINT my name! I grew up in the snowbelt!!
You'd have to have Diahrrea to get that spray paint style down!
That link you put on Zibb's site-damn-looks like someone trying to poop out a kidney or something!
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