A few years ago I did a
POST about why I'm a pacifist. One of the reasons I didn't discuss was that I think most wars are based on bullshit lies and the ability of the government (in conjunction with the media) to convince us that we can bomb our way to peace. You see, I love logic. I find very little logic when it comes to war and the rationale for it. This film does a great job of exposing the collusion between our leaders and the media when it comes to "making the case" for war. It features Norman Solomon, an excellent author and journalist who focuses on the media. For a lot of you, much of the footage will be familiar, but it is organized in a very clear, systematic way that shows how we continue to make the same mistakes and buy into the same crap each and every time. If you're a big fan of war, check this out and let me know what you think.
Netflix link
I saw this flick. It's very cool. A lot of people will pan it because it's narrated by Sean Penn and they can't see past his politics.
Cool that your a pacifist. I couldn't pass myself as off as one but I'm definitly anti-war.
I liked Manda Bala, although it was sad. This one will probably make me sad too. But I loved The Counterfeiters.
I can't find your email address, can you email me - I want to add you as a friend in Netflix, would that be okay?
Does it show boobies?
Anon- Yeah, I thought the same thing about Sean Penn's involvement, but after a while I forgot it was his voice.
GKL- Sure thing! I sent you an invite.
Dr. Z- Lots of them. And they're liberal boobies - the best kind.
Bill Moyers did a wonderful piece about the selling of the war in Iraq also. I think this looks good.
It's been added to the list. BTW, thanks for the liberal boobies compliment.
Once upon a time, Time Magazine that is, and back in the 70s, Time ran a one page editorial which mostly was about America being a warrior culture. The magazine got tons of nasty mail - from people saying we were not and how dare they write such a load of nonsense. I believe the writer was let go or she quit... The militants didn't like being called warriors.
Today the Military propaganda is so blatant and so full of macho silliness... heck the TV ads are so seductive even cranky pacifists what to enlist. And how sick is it that people love the hearts and flowers when young soldiers get blown to bits. It sells yellow ribbons blah blah.
A couple of indicators that seem important to me... roughly 50% of the Fed budget is for military stuff. And roughly 1 out of 125 Americans are in prison. Says something about out iron clad agreement with the devil I think.
add to this that a big part of america just loves the macho and SPORTS aspect of war
you know RAH RAH usa! usa!
and also add the fact that the media labels pacifists as wussies.
what we did in iraq will be the downfall of this country - the wall st crisis is really just another sympton of that
is lindsay lohan in the movie?
Chris-I really really want to rent or buy that movie-I have heard a lot about it! It sounds interesting because its about the financial gain (at least that's what I got out of the ad for it)related to wars our country's leaders have gotten us into from Korea to the present time.
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