I've been hearing a lot about the supposed "common sense" and "values" of small town America. Let me tell you something. I've been living in a town of 3,500 (about half the size of Gov. Palin's home of Wasilla) going on twelve years. Small towns are not monoliths. People here do not all think alike and share a predetermined set of values. Don't believe me? Go to a small town city council meeting or a zoning board meeting. You'll see how contentious they can get. Republicans love to tout the small towns of America as the last bastions of good, old-fashioned values, but they could give a fuck when a company like Wal-Mart comes in and destroys the things that make small towns truly unique.
Half the size of Wasilla? You could be Secretary of State!
It's time to call small-town America on its shit. I grew up in a small town that included the "values" of bigotry, chauvinism and ignorance.
P.S. - I'm waiting for somebody to confront her about the effectiveness of abstinence-only sex education.
I grew up in a small town and can verify there are some grade-A psychos, bigots, racists, abusers, wife beaters, alcoholics, and -what-have-you there. But they are generally places you can leave your home and car safely unlocked. And everyone knows each other. But I'd hardly call them a bastion of American values.
I'm with randylyvspaiste - call her on her own policies!!! She's so sure it's what MY kids should learn.
Yeah I tired of hearing that good ole down home small town values crap too! Small town this!
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