I'm heading to Chicago for a bachelor party this weekend, so I won't be around for a few days. Before I go, though, I want to talk about a phrase that has become commonplace in our contemporary discourse, especially when it comes to politics. Whenever someone brings up a sensitive subject to support their own claims or dispute someone else's, odds are some asshole in the media will report that they have "Played the _____ card." (the "race" card, the "fear" card, etc.)
To those people I'd like to say: suck my genitals.
That's right. I'm playing the "suck my genitals" card - the card that trumps whatever weak-ass shit you have in your hands.
That "trumps" anything I could add.
That would be the WMD card.
It probably trumps the Eat a Bowl of Dicks card too, but just barely.
That is the coolest taxidermied art I have ever seen.
Have a great weekend!
- Jennifer
Consider that STOLEN.
I fold.
I hate that...people are always using that when someone has a legit beef-"now they're playin' the race card!" Fuck them! And yes I will tell them to play the SMG card!
I hate that too.
I got nothing to add except be safe on your party weekend!
I'll see your genitals and raise you ... never mind. I'm laughing, that's all I'm doing.
One hot tip for Bachelor Party Fun...
Say no when a stripper named Sweet Sally offers you a Back Alley Special on a two for one deal.
Trust me on this.
~The Buxom Wench
I'm playing the Laughing My Ass Off card.
Now. Go. Go party.
I love that picture. They're so damn cute.
You win.
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