Chachi turns 48 today!
Also, while you're at it, if you could leave a short synopsis of what you've been writing on your blogs the last few days in the comments, I'd appreciate it. I have like 7 million posts waiting for me after being away and it could save me some time (I read bad).
I didn't know "Charles in Charge" had an album. Well, well, I must check this out!
Let's see, this week I posted about my plans for world domination using a monkey army, 10 things you didn't know about jewelry designer and ass-kicker Wendy brandes, and my Shakespeare-inspired play starring Jessica Alba and the bald Britney Spears. In other words you didn't miss much, just my same old crap.
Is that the prequel to his first LP: "The Boys Came Out Tonight"???
Btw, no synopsis, Chris! You'll just have to come over to my place and check it out...
I see Scott Baio is in the fisting position.
Here's your synopsis. One day I laid into Ferris Bueller and why he'd get his ass kicked at my school and why the eighties were sucky and today I'm all about old cars we had and why they too were sucky.
This week is about the sucky.
I wish to erase the image in my head of Scott Baio fisting though.
I've actually been blogging about Scott Baio all week, so you should probably go ahead and take this post down now.
I have blogged about all things stupid, interwoven with informative bits about how to divide by zero, and break myself down to the molecular level to pass through walls.
Today I blogged about weird love letters, porn CPR, Scope and the phrase "I held his balls"
Yesterday I was yapping about chasing down a hit and run driver and calling him FUCKER as he cowered and apologized.
It's been a busy week. Heh heh heh.
I haven't said anything worthwhile on my blog in months. Go ahead and click "MARK ALL AS READ."
I did, however, order a copy of Scott Baio's PERSONAL PHOTO ALBUM out of the back of a Teen Beat magazine when I was 12. I'm certain that I saved babysitting money for weeks for this purchase so you can imagine my disappointment when a photocopied, stapled in the middle, black and white "flyer" arrived. Eff Scott Baio and his fisting birthday.
ummm no
- Jennifer
I have literally written *nothing*. Don't stop by, cherish your youth and spend the time instead...uh, hunting wabbits?
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