Everybody knows by now that the President Obama gave Queen Elizabeth an iPod as a gift during their recent visit. Now, I'm all for gift-giving, but does the Queen really need anymore fucking gifts? I doubt it. What sort of paper do you think they wrapped it in? I'm guessing it was
THIS. Do you think they did that thing with the ribbon where you pull a scissors edge along it to make it all curly? Do you think she shook the package before opening it to try and guess what it was? Do you think she had to feign excitement when she opened it? ("Ooh! An Izod! Thank you! I totally needed one of those!") Do you think they included a gift receipt and informed her she could exchange it if she already had one?
What do you want to bet that the only song she puts on it is "God Save The Queen" and hours and hours of the sound of cheering crowds?
Look at this way... you have a wealthy great-granma who has everything a person could want. Now, she's getting really old and won't be around much longer and you want to give her a gift 'cause your stopping by to say "Hi". What could you give her that she doesn't already have? So you give her an inexpensive bauble that you like - just because it's fun.
Besides, you kinda hope she remembers you in her will.
Did Michelle carry it in her purse, while the scissor-curled ribbon got all smashed? That's what happens when I travel with gifts.
I hope to God they gave her a "Pink" I-Pod. It would have matched the Qweens Cap. I mean dress!
Happy Friday Eve!
- Jennifer
They should have had the girls do some Macaroni art that the queen could have put up on her refrigerator.
Homemade is always the way to go!
Isn't the Queen pretty much useless by now? If not, maybe it's meant to spy on her?
The worst part is, she gave them an autographed picture of herself and Prince Phillip. Who wants that?!
I bet it's full of Akon and Kanye West by now.
I don't get it-- even the newest ipods have screens that are, what, the size of a quarter?? Wouldn't someone that old want a big, legal-sized photo album? I mean, a fucking IPOD?! What about one of those great-big photo frames??
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the Queen says "totally" ;-)
And I'm also totally sure she'll totally regift that I-pod too!
She would have been happier with a bottle of gin (and tonic)..
I've seen Mrs Obama with a sleeveles dress...perhaps she thought she was going to a hot country?
Here we go, bitchin' again!
I bet she kept it, but got one of those rhinestone-covered genuine leather cases to hold it in.
she doesn't know what an Ipod is..definetly regifted
If Obama REALLY wanted to make an impression, he could have given her Canada. Been like, "Hey, I hear you lost this." And then, boom, eff you, maple leafs, you're under the crown again! Stuff your loonies where the sun doesn't shine (which would be Nunavut, this time of year)! You're going to pence and pounds! And don't give me any lip, or we're sicking more Irish on you.
I can't understand why he glossed over me for foreign policy maker. *sigh*
The Queen will have to get a bigger purse. She can't possibly carry that AND Phillip's balls in the same bag.
You have to admit the wrapping paper was perfect.
You crack me up. Izod. HA!
I think upload in there under the tunes were subliminal messages... "Give us your jewels".... "Contribute funds to our deficit."... "Give my kids one of your ponies."
I bet he had it engraved... because that's totally how he rolls...
Well at least she has somthing to put in her purse now.
I have not followed this story. Are they even made in the USA?
Is it tradition for the US Prez to give the Queen of England a gift? An iPOD? That is so like, omg, 2005. But on the the other hand, my other hand who really gives a sh*t? All the world loves a gift giver....*sigh*.
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