Something just now compelled me to do a Google search for "Sandy Duncan glass eye". How's that for random? I think they mentioned it in a "Family Guy" episode or something. Well, turns out she had a tumor in her left eye, which killed her optic nerve. It's her real eye, but she can't see out of it. She actually sounds like a pretty cool person. She talks shit about Dubya AND Oprah! See for yourselves...
Urban myth, like Markey Mark's 3rd nipple.
I heard that glass eye thing too. Now I'm beginning to believe she just has latex teeth. Snopes doesn't say it's not true.
You just burst a bubble. My mom told me 40 years ago that Sandy's eye was glass.
I, too, remember this glass eye thing, long 'round the days of that fine sitcom The Hogan Family. This news is throwing my whole world into a tailspin. What other shit did people lie to me about? Is Alf not real?
Oh my God, Chris. Here I am up at 4 am for no good reason other than being kept awake by this very subject. Something told me to visit your blog to get my mind off of it, and here you are discussing Sandy Duncan's glass eye.
Ok, that is a lie. I was also lied to about the glass eye. WTF.
"I actually prefer Triscuits." Priceless!
It's a good thing that I respect her politics, because I don't respect her treason to Wheat Thins.
I think we ALL thought she had a glass eye.
About 6 years ago I saw her in "Chicago" on Broadway, and let me tell you, she had an incredible body and she was, like, 55 years old.
Thumbs up to Sandy Duncan.
Huh. I always thought she had a glass eye, too.
I always thought she had a glass eye too. It's funny, I'm constantly debunking myths with the help of Snopes.com, but it seems like the pop cultural myths I grew up with, I just choose to blindly accept as fact. Except that Mama Cass died choking on a sandwich...I know that's not true. It was chicken wings.
you mean peter pan is not like cap't hook?
That's funny, I went Googling too after a couple of Family Guy mentions and learned the truth! Wasn't there a band called Sandy Duncan's Glass Eye too?
Her perkyness kind of bugged me way back then, but finding out about her prog. politics makes me think differently of her. And her eye too!
I never heard the glass eye thing, but I was always told that she was actually a hermaphrodite at birth & had a to tie her rather large penis down between her legs to avoid questions about any unsightly bulging.
As a child in the 1970's the thought of that really scared me a lot.
I'm glad to know it's just the optic nerve ... the tied downed penis thing is really frightening!
PS, Maybe now I can enjoy Wheat Thins without them making me feel queasy to my tummy~
Sandy Duncan's Eye was a skate-style punk rock band in the 1980's.
Clearly, Seth McFarland stole the idea from the name of the band.
the band formed in 1987 in L.A....apparently still around today as they have a my space page. Still unsigned...
So which eye is the normal eye?
I found this page after I watched that family guy episode and googled it myself lol.
I also researched after family guy
She is a man.
It's May 2021 rn and this still popped up when I searched bc of FG.
No I'm old enough to remember her I even looked like it was a glass eye it looked fake it didn't mow and it had that fake glass look to it the same with Sammy Davis jr.
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