I'm joking, of course. Product placement on clothing was and still is prevalent. Back in the day, everyone who was anyone had to have an Adidas t-shirt. Nowadays,you can find clothes with just about any corporate logo you want. It is smart business for companies to use people as walking billboards. After all, you pay them to do their advertising! Genius!
There are a few exceptions. Some companies have yet to tap into this lucrative marketing strategy. Here are some that need to get on board or risk being left behind:
I'm such a schlobb that I'm hoping that folken will pay me NOT to wear their logos.
Actually, if you go through your wardrobe and pull out everything that is an advertisement for something (this definitely includes baseball caps), what clothing do you have LEFT??
I already have the summer's eve shirt, but it is on a baby blue t-shirt. i wear it proudly.
I have a Monistat 7 tee and I wear the hell out of it.
Wouldn't wearing the Cialis Erectile Dysfunction Medication shirt signify that you are now rock hard and the proud owner of matching bathtubs?
@skylersdad - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - I would have to agree.
Sign me up for the Imodium T.
I wore the hell out of my ADIDAS t-shirt in the 7th grade. But I called it my All Day I Dream About Sex t-shirt.
I hade Coca-Cola pants. MY grandmother bought them for me. They were ridiculous and I only wore them once.
coca cola had a whole line of clothing! not just t shirts
you forgot the ex lax t-shirt
"i have constipation and all i got was this lousy t shirt"
I just don't get "high" fashion..
The T shirt message of Rid-X and Imodium is sort of repetative, don't you think?
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