Sometimes people tie a string around their finger to help them remember things. In this case, however, the string technique wouldn't have done jack shit because I can remember there was something funny and that it would've been post-able, just not what it was. From now on, whenever anything funny happens, I think I'll write on a Post-It note, fart on it, and staple it to my forehead. That might make for an effective memory aid. I think I owe that to you, the reader.
mmmmmmm.... you don't have to fart on it
Cheer- I thought the fart might help. I've heard that the sense of smell and memory have a strong link.
i've always wondered-- how do you tie a string onto your own finger??
Farting on it is the key, my friend.
I usually have to write something on a post-it. Yes-farting on the post it is a well-known technique that the researcher Thomas Vandergass thought of to help people to remember things better.
I run over near my wife and fart. Then she always says "what do you want me to remember for you this time?"
I'm so disappointed in you, Chris.
I know what you mean. I was going to write something funny in the comment section.
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