Is anyone else like me in that, when you're out and about and you encounter people you might consider less intelligent, you try to imagine what their idle thoughts consist of? And maybe not just less intelligent people, but crazy people or boring people - anyone, really. Because, face it, all of us are always thinking about something. You see some schmuck walking down the street and you know they have something on their mind.
I'm fascinated by this. I know there's all sorts of weird-ass shit that pops into my head on a daily basis, not all of which makes it onto this blog. I've gotta think there are others like me. I feel bad for people whose idle thoughts are lame.
You need some sort of ticker-like feed from your brain into your blog so we get to see all of your thoughts.
On second thought scratch that Chris, sometimes you don't want to look directly into the blinding light.
I think this is basically what makes people different kinds of people: what they have in their stream of consciousness all day. I'm an introverted geek, so I spend most of the day fantasizing about saving the day with superpowers, superintelligence, supercoolness, etc. My husband is efficient and hardworking, and his interior monologue is all planning, instructions to himself, and figuring out ways to improve things.
Can you tell I'm stuck at home with no adults to talk to? Thank dog for the internet.
You have no idea
My idle thoughts always, ALWAYS involve nudity. And often Alex Trebek.
I think Grant is a bleeding fart liberal! That's my idle thought!
I can't think of anything to think right now.
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