Dude, you can TOTALLY drive 55 miles per hour, sometimes faster, provided you are driving on a road with a posted speed limit of 55 MPH or higher. I know for a fact that, here in Michigan, there are stretches of highway where the speed limit is as high as 70 MPH! I just thought you should know because you seem to be under the impression that you cannot drive 55.
I suppose, theoretically, you can drive as fast as you want, or at least as fast as your car will carry you. The problem with that is that you might get a ticket or endanger yourself or others. Whatever you decide to do, BE CAREFUL!
Your pal,
Some Guy
I just wanted to let you know that your YouTube video titled "Ribs" moved me deeply. Though the beginning sort of dragged a little, once the second rib was onscreen it just got better and better. I suppose the only way I can put into words the effect it had on me is to say that I was (and still am) left questioning what I've always been taught about truth and meaning and courage. Anyway, just wanted to thank you. Incredible video.
Falwless: I'm glad you picked up on the hidden nuance and symbolism in that video. You're right, the second rib is a real turning point.
Great stuff, Chris!
There is nothing sadder than a 50 year old teenager.
thank you, it's about damned time someone said something!!
A few years ago at some red carpet event:
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog “Hey Sammy, can you still not drive 55”, Hammy Sagar “No I can’t”, Triumph “Really, even though you’re 65?”
See, Sammy's problem is, he can't afford a car that will go 55.
When he's in my 'hood, I encourage him to drive faster than 55. Don't want the Sammy hanging around.
That's very thoughtful of you.
Spooney- I thought you were going to tell Vikki's Sammy Hagar joke she pulled on you. She's so proud of that joke.
I waited on him once at Starbucks. He wrote a check for a coffee maker and I asked him for his license; he was driving on a ticket. No joke.
I think there may be a mental health issue underlying this belief and his behavior.
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