I was reading somewhere that the guy who is suing to get god out of the pledge of allegiance was ruled against in his latest attempt. Can someone who is strongly in favor of leaving god in the pledge please explain why the fuck it is so important to you. Hold on. Before you do, a few ground rules, OK? Please don't mention anything about the founding father's wishes. You didn't know them. Their wishes mean jack squat. They also had wishes that people be allowed to own other people. Their wishes are no more sacred than the wishes you made when you were ten, blowing out your candles, that Marcia Brady would come to your house and sit on your face. As you probably know the pledge wasn't even written by the founders. It was written by *gasp* a SOCIALIST! The "under god" part wasn't added until
1951. Also, spare me your baloney about how this is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian ethics. Blabbity blabbity blah blah. It still doesn't answer my question. Why is it important TO YOU? Are you afraid you'll forget about god if you don't say his name at least 50 times a day? Hell, just walk out and take a look at your car bumper. God's plastered all over it! Besides, who in the name of Buddha says the pledge anymore? I haven't said the pledge since I was in school and I refuse to say it now. Wake the hell up, America! This is nothing more than a cheap parlor trick perpetrated by Fox News so they can sell more antacid. If you think it means something, it tells me that you are pretty insecure about your faith and about your patriotism. Don't worry, I still love you anyway.
1 comment:
I don't remember the last time I was at a public meeting by a governmental agency in which the pledge was not said. It might be the law in Illinois for all I know.
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