Then, not satisfied with his success, he decides to conquer the recording industry with chart-toppers like "Colder Than Ice" and "Red Fro Love" and, in the process, teaches a nation to love again.
And to top it all off, he maintains what is undoubtedly the most impressive pelt of chest hair since Hasselhoff.
Grant Miller, ladies and gentlemen. A true renaissance man.
And just look at those sparkling white teeth!
Women want him, men want to be him.
To borrow from the Dos Equis ad campaign:
When it is raining, it is because he is sad.
If there were an interesting gland, his would be larger than most men's entire lower intestines.
He is left-handed. And right-handed.
Even if he forgets to put postage on his mail, it gets there.
He once knew a call was a wrong number, even though the person on the other end wouldn't admit it.
You can see his charisma from space.
If a monument was built in his honor, Mt. Rushmore would close, due to poor attendance.
He once taught a German Shepard to bark in Spanish.
Bulls flat-out refuse to fight him.
His business card just says, "I'll call you."
Grant Miller. The most interesting man in the world.
You got that right.
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