So, it started with me wanting to make one of my riveting videos. It's about a make-believe towel phobia I have:
I know how much you all enjoy the outtakes, so I'm including the first take:
Then, I was interested to see the master in quarter-time:
This is some stray footage of a lame toad in our garden that was accidentally uploaded with the other shit:
There. That should keep you vultures satisfied for a little while at least.
I Was Wondering If There Was A George Carlin Documentary In The Works...
As I've said many times on this blog, George Carlin was a personal hero to me. If someone were to ask me the classic question if I could invite anyone to dinner - living or dead - who would it be, he would be one of my first choices. I still love it when one of his tracks pops up in an iTunes shuffle, even though I've heard it a million times. He is another person I could listen to for hours. I did a Google search to see if there was any sort of documentary about his life being made. One of the first things to come up was this lengthy interview he gave the Archive of American Television in 2007. It is in seven parts and basically covers his life from start to finish. A lot it contains stuff he talked about in his act, but there was a lot of stuff that was new to me. I know not many of you will watch the entire thing (it's a little over 3 hours), but if you're a die-hard fan like me, you will love it. I am posting it in its entirety:
Please Ignore This Post Unless You Were A Fan Of The Chicago Bears During The 1980s...
...OR you like to watch a drunk Mike Ditka. It's nine minutes and forty-eight seconds of disheveled goodness.
Like A Pig In Shit...
For a long time I've tried to put my finger on just why it is I like documentary films so much. I think there are many reasons. For one, documentaries are all about asking questions and we all know what a big fan I am of questions. I'm also a big fan of the underdog. Documentaries often focus on underdogs - people whose voices aren't often heard in the mainstream media. The films themselves are really the underdogs of the world of cinema. There are very few docs that receive a lot of attention or make a lot of money. Documentaries have exposed me to so many new and interesting things. Like one of the women in the video says, documentaries "have the power to make you empathize with things you never really knew you could empathize with."
I recently discovered an interactive website with 163 interview clips of 38 documentary filmmakers, including some of my favorites like Errol Morris, Werner Herzog, and Albert Maysles, discussing a wide range of topics. Apparently there is also a movie - a documentary about documentaries - which is not yet available on Netflix. I know this probably isn't as interesting to all of you as it is to me, but I can listen to these people talk all day. If this sort of thing interests you as well, you'll really want to spend some time exploring this site.
She Sure Does...

One Of My Favorite Blogs...

Dreaming Of Cardboard...

The dream started out with me walking into a big, Home Depot-type store. The name of the store was "The Cardboard Store" and was filled with nothing but shit made out of cardboard. I can even remember their corporate logo (a green square with yellow lettering that read "The Cardboard Store"). I had never been in this store before and had a list of questions about their inventory. I made my way to the customer service desk and had a seat in front of a woman who was talking on the phone. It was clear that her conversation was of a personal nature and had nothing to do with cardboard sales. I waited until she got off the phone, but once she did, she ignored me, got up and walked away.
I was starting to get a little frustrated. A line of people had formed behind me as we waited for someone to answer our questions. Eventually, a guy showed up (I'm pretty sure it was actor Idris Elba) and stood behind the desk. The girl in line behind me started to ask a question, so I turned around and gave her the stink eye. I passive-aggressively asked, "Excuse me, is there a line here?" She gave me a "fuck you" look, but shut up. Finally, Idris asked if he could help me.
"Yes, I have a list of questions regarding your product line. First, do you carry randomly-sized cardboard boxes?"
"I couldn't tell you."
"What do you mean you couldn't tell me?"
"I couldn't tell you."
"You mean you are forbidden to tell me or you don't know?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know what products you carry?"
"Not really."
"Well, it would seem to me the first thing a customer service rep should know is what sorts of products your business carries."
"Hey, what can I tell you?" he said in a dismissive way as he busied himself looking through random file cabinets only half-paying attention to me.
"Is there any way you could find out?"
"So am I just supposed to aimlessly wander your store looking for this product?"
"I guess so."
At this point I was starting to wake up because our pain-in-the-ass cats started making a racket, so I don't know how it would've ended. Your guess is as good as mine. The weird thing is that I never ask where stuff is when I go to stores like these. I always just wander aimlessly until I find what I'm looking for. If I can't find it, I assume they don't have it and leave.
Documentary Film Of The Day: The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On...

Netflix it HERE.
Read more HERE.
I'm Waving My Dick In The Wind...
Warning: Inappropriate language for the workplace and/or in front of children.

but never any cover comedians.
On second thought, there is Carlos Mencia.
Naming Afflictions...

- Cantankerous Colon Syndrome
- Surly Intestine Syndrome
- Annoyed Rectum Syndrome
- Quick-Tempered Anus Syndrome
- Easily Offended Abdomen Syndrome
- Ticked-Off Torso Syndrome
- Grumpy Gut Syndrome
- Perturbed Poop-Chute Syndrome
I've Got $0.17 In My Pocket...

The Rain...
The band Tones On Tail certainly isn't for everyone, but this song seemed fitting for what it's like where I am today. I don't expect many of you to watch or listen, but maybe there are some fans out there or at least people who want to expand their musical horizons. It's kinda trippy and there are naked boobies in the video. I'm not sure how they made it past the YouTube censors. Maybe it's because they're artistic boobies.
For My Canadian Readers...
I have been very vocal on this blog about my affection towards Canada. I even put it on my "Love List" right after pork bbq. I have always enjoyed my travels to your beautiful country. I am grateful to have gotten to know so many of you through this blog. So, it is out of love that I ask you:
How is it you people are still alive?
All we hear down here in Jesusland is how shoddy and antiquated your health care system is. We have been told that your standard protocol for treatment of bone fractures is immediate amputation with a rusty butter knife while anesthesia is administered with a dull hockey stick blade. As we understand it, you still haven't conquered the most rudimentary of afflictions - things like polio and athlete's foot. They tell us you still practice bloodletting for heaven's sake!
So how do you guys do it? How do you manage to type out your blogs without coating your keyboards with the phlegm and blood you are no doubt hacking up continuously throughout the day. Take your time. I know that your fingertips are covered in sores and that typing can make you winded.
The New Economy...

Just be sure when you go to retrieve your purchase you grab the right gumball. Well, I shouldn't say the right gumball, but rather the correct gumball.
A Post About Questions...

- If you've ever seen the show Inside The Actor's Studio, you know that there's a segment where James Lipton asks the interviewee ten questions. The first one is always "What's your favorite word?" A lot of them give lame answers like "yes" or "love" or "infarction". Okay, infarction is pretty cool, but my all-time favorite word is "question". For one, I like the way it sounds. It's a word you really have to chew when you say it - KWESS-chun. Try it. I also like the efficiency of words that are both nouns and verbs. Plus, It's got "quest" in it and quests are bitchin'.
- I disagree with the idea that there are no stupid questions, but not in the sense that certain questions are stupid based on the information they are trying to elicit. If you genuinely want to know something but aren't sure, for fuck's sake ask - no matter how obvious the answer may seem. I think the stupid questions are the ones people ask when they really don't give a shit what the answer is.
- A lot of my favorite questions start "I wonder what would happen if you...?", followed closely by ones that start "Why is it that...?"
- People who don't like questions are typically people I try to avoid.
- I realize that, were I a parent, I might not be as big a fan of questions as I am now. I remember riding the chairlift while ski patrolling with a little kid who asked me a question, then followed every one of my responses by asking "Why?" Must've been about twenty of them. Once it becomes clear that no matter what I say the kid will continue to ask why, I fall back on my fail-safe answer - Baby Jesus. It usually puts a stop to it.
Old Man River...
If you've been watching my series of "singing-in-the-car" videos, you're probably under the misconception that I don't have a very good singing voice. I made this video to dispel that ridiculous notion. As usual, Megan tried to sabotage my efforts.
Production note: Trying to come up with posts lately has been like trying to eject the most stubborn of turds. It's been a real struggle. I've really had to grit my teeth and bear down, so unfortunately for you, dear reader, whatever comes out is what you get.
I Thought This Was Appropriate For Today...
This is not safe for work and will probably upset you if you happen to be anti-choice. If you still have not spent time listening to the late Bill Hicks, please do so immediately. He was a fucking genius.
More HERE.
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