
The Porn Spectrum...

Jesus. It's 4:34 PM and I still haven't posted anything. Time to do a childish Google Image Search experiment involving porn. My loyal readers know I'm fascinated by Google Image Searches.

Today's question: Which color is the most pornographic?

The criteria: I enter each of the colors of the visible spectrum, one at a time, and see on which page a porngraphic photo first appears. To be considered pornographic, the photo must contain exposed male or female sexual organs and/or a female nipple. Let's begin:
There you have it. Scientific proof that violet is the most pornographic color and yellow is just plain lame.

*Remember, image search results are constantly changing, so if you check these links and there's no porn there anymore, I'm sure you can find some somewhere else on the internets.


Falwless said...

This made me laugh more than a really dumb post should ever make a person laugh. Seriously. I don't know why, but this is exactly the type of shit I needed to see at this exact moment. You win.

Joe said...

That is awesome. I can't believe that "blue" didn't rate higher.

Thank you for conducting this important research

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Great research, friend. And as soon as I started reading I guessed purple. So there must be some real proof to it.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Whatever you do, people, please do not click on "violet."

You'll be sorry. That's all I can say.

Confidential to Miss Violet: it's your puta, sweetie, not a magician's hat. Enough with the props, already.

bubbles said...

Vikki - ahahahahahaha

SkylersDad said...

Vikkis comment reminds me of the first time I tried to teach Kathy about search engines. We entered in Skyler and pressed return, and of course the first thing I get is an image of young miss Skylers cooter.

Writeprocrastinator said...

"Scientific proof that violet is the most pornographic color and yellow is just plain lame."

With purple, Prince is throwing the whole curve off. I'm with Bubs that the color blue should be up there (want to go for a ride, neighbor?) and lest we forget, it's called a "red light district," right?

Unknown said...

I thnk you forgot a color. What about horsecock?

Some Guy said...

Falwless- Glad I could help!

Bubs- I really didn't know what to expect. I figured red would win, I guess.

Cherry- The Google Image Search never lies.

Vikki- Good ol' Violet.

Bubbles- She warned you!

S.D.- It never fails...

WP- I forgot about Prince. H edoes kind of skew things.

Dave- Yours made me laugh out loud! We've decided to repaint the bathroom in white with horsecock trim. Coincidence?

Distributorcap said...

i knew that using the google on the internets would find lots of fun things in the tubes

Micgar said...

Yeah-I frantically looked for porn for the colors, and nada. Now I am going to have to check it out like Arj: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ud4L4ykUHLg

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...


orange is now up to page 42

green up to page 12

blue up to p 13

"yellow" I didn't bother... Some other researcher can google that 'un.