First of all, it's on all the fucking time. I happened upon it last night. I usually avoid it, but I was flipping around and saw the models dressed in the Princess Leia gold bikini, so I watched for a while. What's so annoying about it is that they treat it as if there's a lot of complexity to it, explaining the situation and the contestant's options every fucking time the guy picks a box. And that's all it is. Picking numbers. If you can count to 25 and have even a vague sense of probability and odds, you can go on the show, expend minimal mental energy, and walk out with more money than you had going in. I don't have any problem with people making easy money. I do have a problem with how this show insults our collective intelligence. If you took away all the deliberating and conferring and explaining and re-explaining and asking the models to "help them out", as if they have any control over what's in their box, you'd have something that could essentially be done in two minutes. It's a big fucking sham.
If you need any more convincing this show is an embarrassment, Dubya was on the fucking thing.
Wouldn't it be fun to go on the show and blow their whole premi by choosing numbers really fast and not fretting over it?
But then they probably wouldn't air the show.
When "Who wants to be a millionaire" was hot, I always wanted someone to just pick up and leave when they got just a couple of hundred dollars...
hahaha. You should rant more often.
I felt the exact same way. I watched it one time and kept waiting for a trivia question or something... I was like, "Is that it? They just pick numbers?" Don't know why the show is even still on.
and starting in september -- D or ND goes into syndication -- meaning the fun will be on EVERY DAY for an hour.
it is truly one of the more idiotic shows ever --- American Idol is actually better, and that is saying a lot
you must have to take a non-intelligence test to get on the show
"collective intelligence"?
I think that you over estimate the average American.
I picture a lot of people living in double-wides with very little access to libraries and no cable t.v.
Crystal meth and Deal-or-no-deal.
That's about it.
I was thinking like Dave, then I started to get depressed and decided I like denial better!
You know what I hate about the show. Howie Mandel. His face and voice make me want to barf. When I see his ugly mug on the screen the Things know that they have to just keep on surfing.
A show my kids love is Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader. I only let it stay on because I can prove to my kids that I *am* smarter than a fifth grader (once again!) However, I am so SICKENED by the stupid people. Ugh. Where do they find these people and why aren't they embarrassed to be on TV being that stupid???
I thought so too, and blogged about it similarly here: http://saysogeo.blogspot.com/2006/11/no-deal-please.html
That said, it's kind of grown on me. Might be similar to a fungus, but still. Rather than send me over the edge, I've come to grips with it's random nothingness and found it to be a harmless timefiller. Suitable for background noise while you're cooking; that sort of thing.
And I have to say, I enjoyed the Star Wars one. It was completely goofy, but also oddball fun – people asking Chewbacca which number is better and that sort of thing.
Crystal meth and Deal-or-no-deal.
That's about it.
I just thinking that same thing. It's Keno for meth heads.
"If you took away all the deliberating and conferring and explaining and re-explaining and asking the models to "help them out", as if they have any control over what's in their box, you'd have something that could essentially be done in two minutes. It's a big fucking sham.
Hee! I'm twelve...
Never seen it. Don't plan to either. I'll take your word for it.
I have always thought it seemed like a dumb show-I haven't been able to watch much of it-it's too dull to keep my attention. I usually enjoy some game shows-like Who Wants to BAM? maybe even Jeopardy or "thinking" game shows like that, but this show seems dumb.
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