Look at countries like Chad and Jordan (whose last names are Smith and O'Shaughnessy respectively). They have been on a first name basis with all of us for years and have lived in relative peace. They provide an example of what can happen when we dispense with all the formality.
You might ask, "But what about Georgia? There's been plenty of violence there." That's true, but that has more to do with the fact that Georgia is a total bitch.
All the worlds countries need to form a circle and toss a ball of string to each other while introducing themselves.
Can you tell I have attended way to many "team building" seminars?
Ahh, Sky Dad beat me to it!! I was going to say they should stand in a circle and throw tennis balls to eat other while chanting stupid crap about teamwork. That's what we had to do when I worked in a portrait studio. Yes, we threw tennis balls in a portrait studio to build teamwork. And break expensive equipment. Don't forget that part.
Okay, memo to self: don't blog when you're hungry. I meant "each other" not "eat other" there. When's lunch?
You, my friend, should be an ambassador.
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