Like these bitchin' new shades I just got that I didn't have to pay a dime for. No shit! They gave me a pair free after I had my pupils dilated at the eye doctor. And here's the thing. You can have a pair of your own. Go to your local eye doctor and ask the front desk person for a pair. Chances are they'll think you're a little weird, but they'll still give 'em to you.
As you can see, they're quite nice-looking. Whatever you sacrifice in comfort, you more than make up for in the style department. They have a very slim profile. They double as a bookmark.

The one design flaw is that the cardboard earpieces are not water-resistant. I think this will be easily remedied with a little Saran Wrap and duct tape.
Hey! I get a pair JUST LIKE THOSE every 6 months!! I love them!
You might also try modifying a stretched out wire hanger for the all-weather version.
You are looking very "Jack Nicholson" there big guy!
SWEET!!!! ;-)
Damn Guy, you are the architect's version of Kanye West.
Dude you're one of the blogs that I laugh at post after post.
Some day we'll meet and have some great laughs.
Yeah I have got a few pairs of those in my day. They be stylin'.
Man, you are soo stylish!
Duct tape fixes everything
My best friend is an optometrist.
I go there because he checks my eyes out for free.
He dilates my pupils whenever I go, mostly because he thinks it's funny.
duck tape is the cure all for repairs....very fasionable too....duck tape is available in a variety of colors.....or should I say shades
You should carry them at all times in case you find a skier that's gone snow blind.
Those are better than the free flip-flops I get with a pedicure!
The only thing that would make them better would be if they were 3-D sunglasses.
That is a look that *you* can pull off. You're lucky that way - you look good in everything!
You should totally get a bikini wax sometime- they give you a pair of super awesome paper underpants that they LET YOU KEEP!
Free fashion rocks.
you are the new Tom Cruise and Ray Bans!
Were your pupils still dilated in that shadeless photo? It kinda looks like it. I like those shades too! I don't know if it's just me, but I have to wear my regular shades in addition to those when I get my eyes dilated-it's still too bright! (and it's not even the future, man!)
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