
Jerry! Goodbye!...

Rest in peace, Len "Uncle Leo" Lesser.

"He's all smooth now.  Kinda like a seal."


Coaster Punchman said...

Oh wow, he died??? Uncle Leroy!!

Coaster Punchman said...

I mean Leo!

Random Rants said...

RIP Unc Leo....

big homie said...


Jen said...

that's why you're my souldbrotha...

Jerry! Hello!

Zed said...

Sad. He really croaked?

Dale said...

Thanks for the photo! I was over at Jen's and commented that I was doing my eyebrows up special in honour of Leo and your photo pretty much looks like me! I mean him!

Unknown said...

I just saw this on the news... sad news... sure, he was older than god, but man was he funny! Rest in peace, Uncle Leo.