
My New Rule Of Thumb...

If you preach frequently about the evils of homosexuality
and you write books about how it's a "disease"
and you endorse programs to try and "cure" it
and you look like this guy,
I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you're gay.
Y'know, for the sake of expediency.


SkylersDad said...

But I admire him tenaciously hanging on to his 70's porn stache.

Mnmom said...

And you'd have the safest bet around. These stories are just getting boring.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Yep, anyone who rails against teh gay is a self loathing homosexual in my book.

Gwen said...


My word ver: fleral.

Fleral: when plants go native.

Anonymous said...

This guy was in bed, so to speak, with Focus on the Family's James Dobson. Any guesses on when his closet door is going to swing open?