I have mixed feelings.
Clearly there are benefits,
but I always took pride in
being able to resist for so long.
Edited to add:
Megan, who got an iPhone today,
snapped this incredibly flattering photo
of me acquainting myself with
my new phone.
It makes me laugh:

I just got one of the new fancy home phones with a dial! No more picking up and asking Sarah to connect me with Floyd at the barbershop.
If it weren't for Slim, and needing a way to be contacted if he ever, you know, severed a major artery while on a play date, I still wouldn't have a cell phone.
Megan is one lucky gal.
Don't think of it as a phone, think of it as a time waster.
Hubby actually had a monster like that - it weighed a ton.
There's something incredibly charming about cavemen.
Aw man. Now I'm the only holdout left in the world. And I had a cell phone for about five years then decided no more. So far so good. But I guess I'll cave in eventually. Till then, I win! :)
OMG. Pic is priceless.
I used to be anti-cellphone until Steve Jobs tricked me into sleeping with an iPhone. It still doesn't ring but it looks good not ringing!
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