
I Never Think Of Jokes...

...but I came up with one as I was getting ready for bed last night.  I shared it with Megan.  Here is our exchange:

Me:  Hey, want to hear this joke I just thought up?

Her (reluctantly):  Um, okay.

Me:  Okay, What is the most commonly reported illness amongst employees at a beer factory?

Her:  I don't know.  What?

Me:  The "BREW-bonic" plague!

Her:  *crickets*

Me:  Okay, wait, wait.  Now, what is the most commonly reported illness by a coven of witches?

Her:  *indifferent grumble*

Me:  The "BREW-bonic" plague!

Her:  Ugh.

Me:  Okay, okay.  What is the most commonly reported illness by players on the Milwaukee Brewers?

Her:  Gee,I don't know.  Was it the "BREW-bonic" plague?

Me:  No. Cancer.


SkylersDad said...

I get the "(reluctantly): Um, okay." response that you got to almost everything I ask my wife!

Anonymous said...

I always forget the middle of the joke. I give 'em enough to get started, then deliver the punchline. I laugh my way out of the room while they look at each other.

Gwen said...


gennifer6 said...

that's awesome. LMAO :)

Dr Zibbs said...


Son of a Thomas said...


Mnmom said...

Geez that's really sad about the cancer thing.

Amy said...


Clarion Content said...


CaroolinaR said...

haha so funny!