
Did He Say What I Think He Said...

Well, leave it to our idiot press to blow something completely out of proportion. Leave it to them to get their panties in a bunch over something so ridiculous. Oh my god! The president said shit! Oh boy, oh boy! Seriously? Is that what we're going to focus on? How about, just for kicks, we look at what he said and how utterly simplistic it is.

Bush: What they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it’s over…

Wow, it's that easy! Just do that and all these innocent people who were caught in the crosshairs of leaders trying to prove their penises aren't small won't have to die. That this is the guy at the helm of our foreign policy should frighten us far more than the fact that he has a potty-mouth. For god's sake. Is this the best we can do? This goes for all my lefty friends, too, who are making a big deal about this. Sure he's an embarassment with poor manners, but that is not important. The world already knows that.


Ms. Laaw-yuhr said...

Actually the quote begins with "The ironic thing is, what Syria needs to do...."

Although we don't know what he said directly before this line, I'll wager he's using the term "irony" incorrectly in addition to saying "shit". I take greater issue with the former rather than the latter.

And it goes without that his solution would be overly simplistic as well as jingoistic.

Anonymous said...

Considering I'm from Texas as well, I have to say, every other word that comes out of our mouth is usually shit.

p.s. I'm not defending that man in any way.