A while back, a friend was visiting. He thought he had lost his keys. We all searched, frustrated. Eventually, his fiance found them wedged between the car seats. We were all thrilled and relieved. It made me wonder. Is the thrill of finding something you thought you'd lost worth the suffering you experience while you're searching? In other words, is it better to think you lost something and then find it than to never thought it was lost in the first place? I'm not sure. It's a pretty fucking good feeling when you find something. I started applying this to other things. Take something like hypocrisy. I've always thought I can't stand hypocrisy. However, I do love it when I find hypocrisy, especially when it comes to politics. So would it be better not to have it at all, or is the joy that comes from finding it worth its existence? Chew on that for a while.
Hmmm. Without hypocrisy, the world may run smoother, but comedians etc wouldn't have as much to play with.
This could be a show..
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