Believe it or not I have never had a cup of coffee. I have been in a Starbucks once while a friend was buying one. Actually, I think the closest Starbucks is about an hour and a half away from where I live. Once a friend of mine shamed me into drinking some Italian after-dinner drink that had coffee in it, but as for a straight-up cuppa joe - never. Not even a sip.
Is this some Mormon thing like no booze, no caffeine, no hot chicks or something?
Nope. I drink plenty of booze. I suppose my caffeine intake is minimal now that I don't drink Coke. As for the hot chicks, they avoid me just fine on their own. Speaking of Mormons, they're an odd bunch, eh? Check out the book "Under The Banner Of Heaven" for more insight into their wackiness.
One of my favorite books. Can you say: Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs???
Fuuuuuck. Did I just piss off a mormon? And it wasn't even a regular feature?
If you dig things Mormon, you need to check out Coaster Punchman as he mocks Mormons with regulariy.
Steve Young. The greatest Mormon quarterback ever.
I'm quite impressed about the coffee, Chris. I didn't touch it until I was like 25. Now I'm dead without it.
You called it joe, how cute.
To Big Orange-
I honestly thought I was the only one who didn't eat mashed pototoes. Everyone loves them but me. The only potato style I'll eat is fried. I have so many other weird food issues it's just embarrassing.
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