You might think you are. You might drive a nice car and have a nice house and take trips to Bora Bora every year, but compared to the richest of the rich, you're closer to those of us at the bottom--by a large margin--than you are to them. And you know what? You ain't never gonna be as rich as them. Never. The numbers are on our side. Let's tax the living shit out of 'em! I don't even care if the government wastes some of it on stupid shit, so long as eventually finds its way into our hands and not theirs. Besides, even if they do have to pay a lot more in taxes, you know what? They're still gonna be richer than you and I will ever be. They will still never ever have to worry like you and I about having food or clothes or shelter or money for that life-saving operation. And don't give me this bullshit about how they create jobs. First, fuck you. Second, there is ZERO evidence that this is true. The only reason it gets so much play is because of who holds the biggest megaphones. That's right. The super-rich!
Tax the fucking rich. Duh.
I always remember when you said there are WAY more of us, and can't we just bum rush 'em?
Their media have completely snowed so many idiots into thinking taxes on the rich are evil. Tip-o-the-hat to them, they've done a swell job. Now excuse me while I go clean their toilets for $4 an hour.
I'm old enough to remember the "Eat the Rich" buttons that were going around in the late sixties. I prefer your solution.
Love. This. Post. When I talk about wanting to leave America, this is one of the things I will miss about this country the least.
Amen. Unfortunately, in addition to teaching poorer people to hate taxes, the rich seem to have this uncanny knack for convincing people that the things taxes would pay for are also inherently scary. Health care! Ah! Education! Ah! Commie!
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