That is what I want one of these interviewers to say to him. Sorry about all this. I'm really upset about the lack of integrity the media has shown towards their reporting on Trump. You might say to me that I shouldn't worry and that he's done this all before and he's not really gonna run and it's just a publicity stunt. Regardless of whether this is some sort of ego-maniacal piece of performance art or a legitimate campaign, he is hurting us with the things he says. Everyone in the media should be holding this fucker's feet to the fire and insisting that he answer questions. For instance, here's CNN's John King letting Trump control the interview:
I find it hard to believe I'm saying this, but he's worse than Bush. He either needs to open himself up to the same scrutiny he is requiring of others, or he needs to be ignored. And any American who values intelligence should refuse to watch his show, boycott his sponsors, and cease to support his businesses in any way. And don't think that I can't appreciate comedic sideshows. Anyone who reads this blog knows I can find the comedic value in about anything. It's just that this has gone beyond sideshow and become something dark and hateful and ignorant. Something that is harming the country and making us look ridiculous. I mean, seriously, this shit has got to stop.
There's lots of shit that has to stop - this is the tip of the iceberg.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said in this post. And yet, that steaming pile of excrement is favored by many Republicans as a presidential candidate. Where on earth is this country headed?
I never cared for "The Donald" I think he his a pompise pig (if I spelt it right)
I must admit, I am shocked by DT's behaviour. After all I have done for him too!
Did you see the schmuk called Seth Meyers a stutterer after Seth took Trump apart at the White House dinner?
You've just come up with a perfect idea for a blog:
"Shit that has to stop"
Amen brother. Hopefully Obama's fantastic dismantling of Trump at the White House Correspondent's dinner has finally shut this bag of shit's pie hole and exposed to the world what an absolute joke it would be to consider him for any public office. Hopefully.
He got his dick handed to him, very publicly.
If he is the serious Republican candidate, I am going to sit here and play with my self for another year.
Have you heard the theory that Trump is a red herring? That he is actually getting into the race to split the right wing vote? There has to be an explanation, right? He can't be this far off the deep end, right?
Surely your the US will not have that buffoon as a serious presidential candidate. I actually want to give the republicans a bit more credit than that. Although - Sarah Palin very nearly got there... Yikes. Who knows? I'm crossing my fingers for you guys, and the rest of the world. Greetings from Norway :)
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